Love it!It was a very good show but felt somehow that a lot of conversation and dialogue were edited out. Or that our students were a bit too quiet in a foreign land :) Anyway, they are still very young. Hope that this film could be shown on tv or in schools.
i love it alot. As a student who has just graduated in 2008, I saw it during the graduation ceremony. But that time, it wasn't very interesting, but now, I can say that it is a movie I'm gonna loved.
ReplyDelete肤色、语言、文化、宗教和地理位置把人与人之间的距离拉远,然而在这次最单纯的安排下,我们才领悟“地球本是同一村“。因为“我和你“这部记录片,我们有机会随着孩子走一趟感受生命之旅。孩子们用天真的微笑,融化了语言的界限;用热情激发了文化交流;用好奇的心去了解、探索并适应新环境,进而学会尊重彼此宗教和生活习惯,并把不同肤色的“你和我”牵起友谊的桥墚。身为家长,我们由衷地感谢学校及校长周详细密的计划,特别是策划统筹的三位老师一路上无微不至的照顾,让孩子们能在这八天里,尽情去体验另类的浸濡之旅。虽然我们没能亲身体验,但从孩子们回来后,绘声绘影的描述和照片的点点滴滴,让我们看到人性本善— 孩子不忍兔子被买去宰杀而苦苦哀求,并愿意淘出他们身上仅有的几块钱换兔子的自由;分享— 接受全村热情款待, 从驴车大阵营的迎接、;纯朴— 连同村民采收农作物,动手做面食,泼着井里打出来的水洗头抹身;学习— 和当地孩子一同上课,搅尽脑汁想着如何运用生涩的中文词汇,与中国朋友沟通 (原来地球上还有一半的人在说华语),入境随俗, 并更懂得水资源的珍贵;快乐— 简单的放羊,骑驴,拔罗卜,放孔明灯等活动,获得回归大自然怀抱的欢乐。相信孩子们,从这些日子里亲身体验到的和学到的待人处世之道,将比课本上的知识更为丰富,并更珍惜现在所拥有的一切;天下那有不散的宴席,纵然孩子们已离开高家沟,但我们也相信这段跨国友谊并未画上休止符,而是才刚开始。加油吧!孩子!!
ReplyDeleteLove it!It was a very good show but felt somehow that a lot of conversation and dialogue were edited out. Or that our students were a bit too quiet in a foreign land :) Anyway, they are still very young. Hope that this film could be shown on tv or in schools.
ReplyDeleteyea its a nice movie:)LOVE IT
ReplyDeletemy friend was in the movie!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE DEH MOVIE ;]
ReplyDeletei love it alot. As a student who has just graduated in 2008, I saw it during the graduation ceremony. But that time, it wasn't very interesting, but now, I can say that it is a movie I'm gonna loved.